Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dear Nintendo

We need a Pokemon Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (PMMORPG).
Not want, NEED.

Think about it. With Black and White, there are now nearly 650 Pokemon. With Colosseum/XD and the Ranger series, there are about 10 different areas in the Pokemon Globe. And considering the Mystery Dungeon series, there are many more playable character options than just 'trainer.'

Primary Main Objective: A Pokemon MMO with ALL playable character options (trainer, ranger, snagger, mystery dungeon squads, etc), ALL map areas (main version areas plus Orre, Fiore, Almia, Oblivia and maybe even the Orange Islands), and ALL Pokemon (maybe even an online-exclusive one to round it up to 650). And while you're at it, include every item ever created and side character ever showcased. Then charge like 50 bucks a month... because for some of us, it's worth it.

Nintendo... get on it.

Much PokeLove,

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