Thursday, September 23, 2010

You are my Gold, I am your Silver. Together, we can catch them all.

WOW: just read a quick blurb about an attack on a defenseless man at a bar. One guy hit him with a hammer and the other, wielding a SAMURAI SWORD, cut off one of his hands! Yes, that's nuts, but the unarmed man (no pun, srsly) DID NOT NOTICED and, still trying to ward off the attacker, then proceeded to punch the guy in the face WITH HIS BRAND NEW STUB ARM. Holy shit. The hand was later reattached, which is awesome. But HOT. DAMN. (

Haven't really done much of any homework throughout the week---first time I've never even cared to in... ever. I feel terrible. I can't concentrate. But I have to get my act together this weekend. I can't handle being a failure. Not now. Not ever.

catching up on homework
make appointments for counselling and wellness
see advisor about transfer credits and graduation
look into grad schools: b-town or film school
clear up my mind, make a decision
work on getting off medication

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