Tuesday, April 13, 2010

What is your favorite Pokemon?

Terrific question, sir.
However, it is not easy to answer.

Back when the first games came out (RBY), I was a young child, easily impresisonable, and in love with cats. Therefor, Meowth, Persian, Mewtwo and Mew were my favourites, Mew being in the top spot (because I had [and still have] a white cat named Snowball).
But since then, there are several that spark my interest, including Bulbasaur, Beedrill, Arbok, Exeggcutor, Rhydon, Scyther, Kabutops and Dragonaire---reason for most of those being that I could never get them in the first version I played (Yellow... yeah, I couldn't afford them when they first came out).

Gold and Silver are still my favourite versions---I owned a Japanese copy before it came out in the states. Cyndaquil was my first chosen starter, so I love him. Other favourites there were the new dark and steel pokemon as well as Lugia and Ho-oh. Favourites now also include Croconaw, Xatu, Heracross and Tyrannitar (don't forget Skarmory).

I liked Emerald a lot. Blaziken became a love of mine. Favourites: Gardevoir, Aggron, Shedinja, Flygon, Seviper, Cacturne, Armaldo, Tropius, Salamance, Metagross, Skitty and Rayquazaaa.

Pearl was boring. But I liked Piplup, Shinx, Drifloon, Spiritomb, Garchomp, Rotom, Dialga, Giratina and Darkrai. Out of the new mass of evolutions, Magnezone is probably the coolest.

Now, the task of OVERALL favourite is the worst.
Kabutops is awesome, but I still love Mew.
Cyndaquil's my baby, but Tyrannitar is badass.
I really like Metagross, but Rayquaza is awesomeeee.
lastly, Garchomp really is the bees knees---but so is Darkrai.
Them's the finalists.

And being able to look them over, Rayquaza probably is my overall favourite---even though I haven't been able to use him very much. I love the colour green and he was probably the first pokemon I liked from the 3rd gen before I even knew that much about 3rd gen (had quit Pokemon through high school). Also, I named my first 'quaza Tek Jensen (from Colbert Report).


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