Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Would you rather bust a drug kingpin after being undercover for years OR catch a squirrel with your bare hands?

That's a great question, sir, and allow me to explain why:
On the one hand, I crave legitimate attention and want to be known for something respectful. On the other hand, I love cute, fuzzy animals and like to pet their fur.

SO, the real question is if I want to finally feel proud about something I've done and that many people know about, thus ultimately boosting my self-worth to normal levels OR do I want a sensory overload and have my hands accomplish the greatest feat they could ever possibly achieve.

The positives are obvious, but the negatives include too much work (undercover, really?) and getting rabies. However---
ADDED BONUS: both acts would probably get me laid.

I'm all for short term gratification---CATCHING A SQUIRREL IT IS!!!

Note: I just had some Arby's so I'm feeling philisophical. =P

Ask or tell me anything....

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