Thursday, April 7, 2011


See, the problem with having that brief contact with you last night is that i just want to keep talking to you now. But the want to talk to you turns into the want to see you and the want to see you turns into the want to be with you and sleep with you. My brain keeps tricking me into thinking we'll be together again like nothing was/is wrong and i can just love you like normal. It's frustrating because there's nothing to hold any of that up - that's why i did this to begin with. I miss you so stupid much and i just want to take you with me. You told me you thought about it. But things would still be a mess.

I cant NOT think of you yet. Things i see remind me of you, things people say remind me of you and oftentimes i just want to tell you of those things. The cars i see or what i'm doing or the remarks some people make. But i cant - otherwise i'll just be stuck here again. Limbo. Where i'm not quite in pain but i'm sure as hell not happy.

Today marks two weeks of being separated. About one week of trying not to talk. I truly wonder if this will get better by the end of the month/semester.

I want to know about your life at the same time i dont simply because i'm not a part of it anymore.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.8

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