Monday, March 28, 2011


Because I am going through a break up and I'm giving up Social Networking to make it easier in the long run, I may or may not pick up blogging in its place.

Reddit may just control my life instead.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I just wish you knew
How much I love you
And how difficult this really is
I wish you knew
I wish they knew
I wish we could stay

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Future Plans

Mardi Gras March 8th: get fucked up
St. Patrick's Day March 17th: get fucked up
April Fools April 1st: get fucked up
Passover April 19th: get focked up
Earth Day April 22nd: get fucked up
Easter April 24th: get sick on chocolate
Teacher's Day May 3rd: get fucked up
Cinco de Mayo May 5th: get REALLY fucked up
Mother's Day May 8th: get fucked up with Mom
Armed Forces Day May 21st: get fuuuuuuuucked UP